You’ve (not) got mail!

Ugh. As the e-mail server conversion enters its 15th hour, the morale of the men is beginning to lag. We are beginning to consider eating the penguins. The commander is slightly ill, but he won’t show it – those Mainers are stoics indeed (except when blogging). We press on, hoping to make it to the home directories by morning. Prospects for sleep are not looking too good.

0 thoughts on “You’ve (not) got mail!

  1. Ombudsman

    Well, I did my best to keep Mrs. Commander duly entertained. I did not get here on the 120mph coaster, but I must say she did eat a desert worthy of being your wife.

    If the commander does not have the whole ship in order by 1pm Monday, the artist formerly known as Admin3 could clock in for a few hours for some 11th hour aid.

  2. revtransit

    Meanwhile, Jo & Sontomu, Evan and I have been in Michigan enjoying the hospitality of your mom and Marcus. Sounds like we had a much better weekend, what with playing chess and Grass and Yinsh. And boy was the weather ever nice, almost as perfect as your server room, I bet.

  3. Anonymous

    hey–know you’re swamped with tech woes. you are better, hands down, than anyone working out here. i have no idea what tech will work tomorrow when i walk in the building, so am keeping my plans fluid. i miss you for many reasons, but at the start of the year, this is one reason at the top of my list. as of friday, i had no internet and no printer capabilities. i can always go to the library, but that has its own unique problems, as they don’t allow flash drives or downloaded attachments. so . . . you can tell i’m rather annoyed.

    may treat myself to PIRATES  2 tomorrow for a little boost. hah. =)


    I hope your email is up and running! If it’s not, why not get away for the weekend, forget your woes and bring the Fools with you to our improv a-gogo?

  5. Ceril_the_Wanderer

    M…M-r…Ma….Maaatt. Matt. Maaaaaatt. (*getting strange looks from neighbors who should be used to it by now*)


    (*takes deep breath*)

    Sorry about die psycokamputerz. Stand strong, o climate-controlled constellation captain!


    (Spare the penguins, if at all possible! I hear they’re good for bartering.)

  6. sonotmu

    I recall a sermon once that commanded Christians to “keep your word, even to your own harm.” Quite a noble sentiment.

    Woefully, Mu (by the way Ceril – I get around calling him “Mr. Riordan” by using a nickname. Make up your own! They’re fun!) promised us nearly 2 weeks ago that he would be posting pictures of my adorable neice “in a day or two”. I see no cute baby pictures! I see no amusing stories! Has Mu lied to us? Has he not kept to his most stated purpose?

    “Keep me from deceitful ways; be gracious to me through your law.”

  7. Blueshoes121

    Mr. Riordan! Hey! What’s up? Don’t get discouraged, it’s all good. I deffinately will come by and say hi. I still think you run the school. The other guys are there just for show.
    ~ Kristen


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