The idle rich

Through a dizzying series of events and quick decisions, Mer and I bought a house next to CVCA last week. We talked about the house on Monday and Tuesday, toured it Tuesday night, got pre-approved for a loan on Wednesday, and signed initial papers on Thursday. Whew.

We love our current house, but it is common for us to be gone 11 hours/day or sometimes even more. We have done that for 4 years together, and I have done that for 6 years total (more like 10 hours/day when by myself – I could leave a little earlier then). That time commitment was getting us tired.

Anyway, we both independently started thinking about things when a colleague e-mailed that his house was for sale as he was moving to Kentucky over the summer. The house is a 5-minute walk to CVCA, is affordable (just), is very nice, and has lots of room in case we ever have a child or in case we ever need to offer care to an aging parent. It seemed too good to pass up, so we bought it. Now, like so many of the idle rich, we have a house in the country and one in town. We hope to sell the one in the country soon.

11 thoughts on “The idle rich

  1. revtransit

    I feel that living within a short commute of work (under 10 minutes) is a key to happiness. Of course, I also think that staying single is a key to happiness and you disprove that every day.

  2. mriordan

    I estimate that I’ll get back 10 or more hours per week into my free time. I’m looking forward to that. Maybe I can actually spend more time with my wife (except she will prbably be using her 7 hours/week of free time to grade more).

  3. sonotmu

    “lots of room in case we ever have a child or in case we ever need to offer care to an aging parent”

    What about a mooching relation?

  4. revtransit

    Sonotmu is kind of lean, probably a bit on the stringy side. I don’t think he’d make a very good meal for most people. But “hunger is the best sauce”, so maybe a college student would find him eatable. You’d still have to eat him in the garage. Meredith has a strict no-cannibalism room inside the house.

  5. sonotmu

    Geez…The Rev is right about me being stringy. I’m not sure what to advise, really. Probably you should go for the thigh – I have some meat there from biking. And don’t worry about the garage thing – Meredith can’t be around ALL the time!

  6. NY_Rosencrantz

    Wait wait wait wait wait!!!

    I know that house!!!

    I have a friend that lives right near it and I’m there often enough…

    This offers much more potential to pester you incessantly!!! Oh goodie!!!

    PSSSST!!! Ahren… we will need to stock up on lots of toilet paper….


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