
Since Monday was Martin Luther King, Jr.’s (observed) birthday, Mer and I had the day off. With all that time, Mer naturally graded and I tidied the house (which badly needed it). However, in the early afternoon, I decided I needed a break, and so I went and took a tromp in CVCA’s woods.

Most of ye olde woods trail has been cut down to make way for more athletic fields, and that is fine (we need the space). Happily, about a third to a half of the woods remains, and it does succeed in feeling fairly isolated, so I went a-trompin’ in the snow. We have roughly a foot on the ground, and so it was a decently challenging walk. I was somewhat (but not entirely) surprised that at least one person (and maybe as many as three) had already been out on the trail, but not in the previous few days (the footprints were visible, but filled in with fresh snow).

It was a quiet and pretty jaunt, and I was gone less than an hour, so the house cleaning effort did not get set back too much.

Needless to say, some members of the Riordan household had no interest in going out in the snow.

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