Pound-ing the Pavement

Using my spiffy new Nike+/iPod combo, I have been logging my running. I like being in shape, and I hope to be in training for a marathon sometime, but the major driving force of my running is trying to lose some weight that I put on last spring and summer. I have had the iPod working for 16 days (11 workouts) now, including my run today. Let’s review the results! How fun!

12 hours of actual running time
About 88-90 miles of distance covered
About 12,000 calories burned

Wow! That is spectacular, I hear you say. I’m pretty proud of it. Net result: 2 pounds lost. Sigh. Back to the pavement (or the Towpath, which is more likely).

0 thoughts on “Pound-ing the Pavement

  1. sonotmu

    I’m on pace to burn about 175,000 calories for the year during exercise, which represents about 50 lbs of weight. My weight loss so far this year: 0 lbs.

  2. revtransit

    I attribute that to 50 pounds of sweets.

    I’m down 5 pounds from my usual weight. Since I don’t know why this happened, I may refer to it as a “Jesus weight loss”.

  3. sonotmu

    “I attribute that to 50 pounds of sweets.”

    Oh, waaaay more than 50 lbs, Rev (there isn’t, fortunately for us, a 1-1 correspondence between weight of food and weight it puts on the body). But it is a good reminder to people (like the Debacalyptic one) who think I have a magic metabolism which evaporates french fries and ice cream. It’s true – the only ingredients for the spell: 5-6 hours a week of exercise.

    Mu – you can’t sigh TOO much over your 2 lbs of flab lost. After all, 12,000 calories only represents 3 lbs of fat.


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