Kitties from heaven!

Meredith woke me up from a brief nap this evening about 6:00. She apologized and said she could hear a critter in the basement. So, I put on my critter clothes of my jean jacket and a pair of tough gloves, and headed to the basement. There was a cry coming from one corner of the basement, and I isolated it to an old basement window. Years ago, previous owners added a large sun room onto the house, so this window used to go to the outside, but was now under the foundation of the sun room. It took me a few minutes to figure out how to open the window (it could not just open out anymore), and when I gingerly cracked it open, I saw a fuzzy tail and knew I was in for it.

It was a tiny tiger kitten. He was hissing at me to let me know who I was messing with. There was a very very very tiny crack in the area around the window (which had been framed in), and the kitten must have fallen through and could not get back out. I could see daylight through the crack – it turns out there is about a two-inch opening in one corner of the sun room foundation, and a cat must have decided it was a great place to have kittens. I could not see any more kittens, but I could not see everywhere around the foundation.

I fished the kitten out and showed him to Meredith. She immediatly declared him to be a “kitten from heaven” and said we had to keep him. He is probably about four weeks old – his eyes are still blue and he is small, but he can move around on his own and knew enough to hiss at me. He is very cute.

We have decided to let the kitten’s gender (I have not checked yet) decide the name for us. If it is a male, we will name him Meredith’s name, Folio (Foley for short). If it is a girl, we’ll name it my name, Finestra (Finny for short), which is Italian for window. My gut feeling is that Folio is a boy.

My only difficulty now is I feel bad for the mother cat. I checked a few minutes ago, and I heard her calling for her kitten (I grew up with many cats and kittens, so I know the call). I heard at least one kitten reply. I could put Folio back, but his life expectancy would be 5 years instead of 15, and he would be wild. I also have no idea what to do about the other kitten(s). There is no way to get under the sun room, so there is no way to catch them. I don’t really want a colony of feral cats living under my sun room, but I don’t know what to do about it. I feel terrible about separating a kitten from its mother so soon, and I feel terrible that I can’t help the other kittens. I hate no-win situations. I will at least seal up the window crack to keep the other kitten(s) safe, and I’ll leave the foundation crack open until fall or winter and check for tracks before sealing it up.

Here are two pictures of Folio tucked away in a kitty nook where he feels safe.

0 thoughts on “Kitties from heaven!

  1. revtransit

    Mu, if you devote your life to protecting this kitten, your kharma might recover from it’s recent injury– when you inflicted that dance video on all of us.

  2. Ombudsman

    I am sad you are acquiring another car that is not ours. How high would I have had to drop Charlie from for him also to have earned “from heaven” status.

  3. mriordan

    Charlie was not in a life-or-death situation (happily). I never wanted more than two cats, but I can’t let these stray kittens starve, so in they come.


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