Junior-Senior Banquet (Prom)

*whew* The female mriordan was in charge of putting on CVCA’s
Junior-Senior Banquet this year, and it went off well. It was a very
lovely evening. It is fun to see the kids get dressed up – they do it
very well. I’m mad at myself that I did not get any good photos of the
students – they all came out blurry or dark.

Prom also gives me the chance to get dressed up. Luckily, someone else
who has some talent also had a camera, so a decent photo of mriordan
squared exists.

I have to admit that any romantic airs of the evening were canceled by
being part of the official set up and tear down crew. You can only get
so romantic when you drive to prom in separate cars, and I showed up in
shorts and a t-shirt so I could move heavy audio equipment into the
building. Still, it was a very nice evening, even with the inelegant
arrival for us.

It was also much fun to see Julie Claypool again. She and Mr. Myers
were showing off their finery as well, and it added nicely to the
festivities. Meredith and I did not get to see as much of Julie as we
could have hoped for (what with having to run things and all), but it
is good to see Julie when she is in town.

I liked Greystone hall as a venue. The setup was elegant, and the
staircase added much to the effect. The steel drum band that played for
2 hours was WONDERFUL, and as happens with all cool music, it  made me wish I had and
could play the instrument (in this case a steel drum). The music made the evening light and fun.

The food was great. I had chicken, and the company at the chaperone
table was much fun. Being someone who gets very excited over desert, I
was a little sad to see desert was small bars of various cookies and
brownies, but they were still tasty.

Mr. Myers’ senior video was again well received, and although he
downplays the importance of the video, it is a real (reel?) highlight
of the evening.

On the whole, the evening was a great success. The music and atmosphere
were fun, the kids looked great, and everyone behaved well.

I’m just glad that Meredith will not have to be in charge again!

0 thoughts on “Junior-Senior Banquet (Prom)

  1. Anonymous

    MUCH better. thank you. the bottom pic looks like a movie still–like one of those scenes where they are trying to morph into another scene or speed up the passage of time. you and the mrs. look very refined, and the two jokers in the middle turned out ok, too. yes, not enough time together. there won’t be much on senior trip, either, but i will be home in july for a longer stretch, so maybe then . . . not much new since i talked to you tonight. am going to try to get a little more writing done and then go to bed. i was also a little disappointed in dessert! isn’t that funny?  but it was a good event and went rather well. i am sure you are both glad to be done with it. k. i can go now that i have satisfied my picture lust. haha. love you both. see you soon. –julie

  2. Ombudsman

    You’re like a real live blogger now.
    I was thinking about running our own little fafblog this summer, perhaps I could resurrect “The Carefree Oppressor” brand name. They couldn’t fire all of us could they?


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