If I only had a brain

Some people have wondered if your humble bloggist has a brain. That has been the source of much scientific controversy. Well, as a public service, I have decided to settle the matter by having an MRI done on my head. Unfortunately, I will not have a definite answer until next Tuesday or so, but there should be an answer. I’m hoping to get a copy of the MRI – I do not know if that is possible, but how cool would it be to have a picture of your own (still theoretical) brain?

I learned a few things about MRIs:
1) The magnetic field is so strong, they took an x-ray of my eyes to make sure there were no metal shavings in them from my days of working in a garage. Apparently if you have metal in your eyes, you can be blinded.
2) I was allowed to keep my gold wedding band on, since gold is not magnetic.
3) The MRI tech was very nice, and she was quite possibly younger than me (how did THAT happen?).
4) MRI machines are REALLY loud inside (they give you earplugs).
5) It is VERY important not to move your head (for the image quality, I assume).
6) You are asked to keep your eyes closed the whole time. I presume this is to prevent claustrophobia for imitating a torpedo about to be launched.
7) It takes quite awhile to image – it was about 10 minutes without dye and about 5 minutes with dye. That is a long time not to move your head.
8) The dye they inject you with will NOT turn you into a raging green super-powered being. What good is medicine nowadays, anyway?

The MRI is a precautionary diagnostic to make sure the headaches I have been having for the last few months are just headaches (caused by lousy eating and bad sleep habits?).

If I get a copy of pictures of my brain (or pictures showing an “out to lunch” sign), I’ll post them here.

4 thoughts on “If I only had a brain

  1. sonotmu

    It had BETTER just be lousy eating and bad sleep habits. My walking organ bank needs to stay healthy! In fact, why is my WOB not eating right and getting plenty of sleep?!? You think I want flabby, tired organs?!!? Yeesh, have some consideration.

    I’ll bet that being injected with dye and put into an advanced, tube-like machine DID have an effect on you! What was in there that was unusual…the ear plugs! I’ll be you’ll get all the powers associated with ear plugs! Wow! You’ll be lump-like and have the ability to conveniently not hear what you don’t want to hear! Cool!

    Makes me wonder if almost every man in the US has had an MRI…

  2. Shurtugal21

    it would be so much cooler if you could turn like hulk green or barney purple…actually, i dont think ur supposed to move your head cuz that would change the magnetic field stuff given off (i think), tho that is image i suppose…i think you’re getting headaches b/c kevin no longer gets free food from stephen


    I had to get one done for recurrent migraines a few years back. My only advice – ignore the loud BANGBANGBANGING!!!!! noises, and take out your belly button ring.


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