Gettin’ down with my bad Celtic self

So, I was out doing my usual Saturday errands, and I saw that Maize Valley Farm
(of the Halloween Maze fun) was having a Celtic festival today. Being
rather into that sort of thing, I stopped for a little over an hour.
The festival was very small – 4 vendor booths, 2 stages, and one
athletic field where grown men wearing kilts were hurling very heavy
objects. The music was okay (the bagpipes were fun), but mostly I was
enjoying the small-festival nature of the event. These were not
world-class musicians or athletes; they were just people who like all
things Celtic (except, hopefully, haggis). This made me quite happy.

As you can see from the photo, I decided to get a (temporary) tattoo
(largely inspired by Caribbeaner’s pirate tattoo from a few years back,
and my love of the Celtic cross). This raises an interesting question:
can CVCA fire me for getting a visible temporary tattoo of an ancient
Christian symbol?

0 thoughts on “Gettin’ down with my bad Celtic self

  1. Ombudsman

    I think just like NASA overlooked the fact that Werner Von Braun built his Nazi missiles with Jewish slave labor, so CVCA is prepared to over look a few minor details sheerly upon the fact of your undeniable usefulness. That would be my bet at least 🙂

  2. Celbanor

    I could see you joining them in the dance. I guess a tattoo works as well. Actually, I like it; it suits you well.
    You’re kind of at our mercy on Senior trip, seeing as we’re buying your food. Don’t worry though, we’ll get real stuff. It won’t be gormet, but still, real is good.

  3. Anonymous

    hey, dude–fun post. nice tat. am glad to know i played a part in the inspiration. good to see you and mere over senior trip. look forward to july when we can actually talk without the pressure of a bazillion things to do. hope the trip you took was good. am sick now, as i expected to be. fever and sore throat yesterday. not so fun traveling home today, but not too terrible. will catch up with you later. –J

  4. Anonymous

    quite a clever post! i enjoyed the puns about the ear. wish laughter made the pain go away, but alas and alack . . .

    if you call in the next couple of days, all you will hear are raspy whispers across the lines. good luck. you should call sometime through the day just to hear my answering machine message. haha.

    look forward to touching base again soon. –julie

  5. Ceril_the_Wanderer

    Aha! Huzzah for all things Celtic. My roommate made fun of me because of my liking of it. I say poo on her–she danced on top of her desk anyway.

    What if you “accidentally” forgot to tell the administration that it was temporary?
    (*smirks at the thought*)

    Oh, and by the way…what color is your cat?


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