Fun Fools Festival

Last Thursday, we had this year’s second Royal Fools improv show at CVCA. I’m always nervous before a show, but I was also anxious for the kids – we had over 70 people at the December show (a record for us), and I was worried that we would not have as good a crowd and the Fools would feel disappointed. With about 5 minutes to go to the show, things were looking so-so; we had about 30-35 people, which was average for last year, but looked pretty empty (we can seat about 65 in the library). Happily, more people came in right at 7:00, and we had another full room (about 65-70 people).

This was a  good audience, too – they were full of energy, and they were shouting out suggestions so loudly that I was having a hard time picking out individual suggestions. The Fools responded well to the crowd and had a really good show. I do not remember shows fully – I’m too anxious about the show and too often thinking ahead to what is next for me to remember everything, but some things I do remember:

– turning the suggestion “senioritis” into the act of being really old (what a great twist!)
– getting both “musical” and “Shakespeare” as suggestions for genres in Genre Rewind (a scene about trying to discover the meaning of life from the walls while in bathroom stalls)
– expert advice on how to avoid alien abductions
– pantomime of being in a political office to buy hats while getting stung by killer bees
– a Foolish Idol song about a letter opener and the harm it can do
– a political debate where one candidate came out so strongly on the issue of pirates as to admit that he was one himself, and that, if elected, he would steal everything

The show went about an hour and fifteen minutes, and as far as I could tell, the audience had a really good time. I had several people that night and the next day tell me that they enjoyed it. We should have one more show in May and then wrap it up for the year. I hope we can finish as well as we have already been doing; that would be a great season.


0 thoughts on “Fun Fools Festival

  1. revtransit

    Oh, no! Not letter openers! The city of Chicago banned them last year, thankfully. Now, only outlaws have letter openers.

    Those attendance figures are going to make the Buttresses jealous.

  2. sonotmu

    The Buttri would kill for half the audience numbers the Fools get. I like to feel we cater to an elite crowd…with nothing to do…on a Sunday afternoon…


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