Foolish Friday

Last Friday we had the opening of the Fools’ 2008-2009 season. I have a large group this year (10 at the moment, but may grow to 12 after the Christmas break), but in this show only 6 of the Fools could make it. That was still plenty of Fools to go around, and since I had a 7th Fool unable to make it after I had created the show, I was able to jump in for four games instead of my originally scheduled one game. I have to admit that I like stage time, so I was excited to be able to have a larger role.

Because of some traffic issues, a couple of the Fools showed up late, so we just had time to go over my stage notes and play a very fast warm-up game (“Bunny Bunny”) before people started showing up. On the plus side, the traffic issue made the scheduled basketball game start later than it was supposed to, so we had a chance to finish the show roughly about the time the game started, so people did not have to choose between us and the game.

As is our tradition, I had the Fools greet people as they came through the door. We had a great mixed crowd – current students, parents, staff, and a good number of Fools alums. By the time the show was under way, most of the seats were filled with people standing as well. Since we had seating for 75, I’m estimating that we had about 90 people in attendance. They were a good crowd – quick on the suggestions, and LOTS of energy and laughter.

As usual, we played about 11 games, which made the show about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Also as usual, I do not remember too much about the show. While a game is going, I usually am thinking about the next game and what needs to be done, plus I have enough nervous energy that I can’t always remember what goes on.

Some things I do remember:
– a criminal who burned down Parliament in Detroit with a CVCA English teacher
– a dating game with a right-leg amputee (“It’s hard for me to make snow angels!”), Michael Jackson, and Martha Jones from Doctor Who fame
– the solution on how to fix the economy from a grumpy old man (“It’s fine!”)
– a person making ketchup packets in Tibet who was run over by a reindeer
– a trip to Mars on a rocket powered by toast
– a Genre Rewind that had two college students and an author transformed into Power Rangers
– The Fools ranting and raving about MC Hammer

I was very happy with the show. People have given me good feedback, and I remember the audience laughing a lot. The Fools have even been invited to be the entertainment at a church for a Valentine’s Day dinner! Our first gig! I’m looking forward to the next shows in February and March.

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