First things first (my three cats)

I do want to get my impressions up of CVCA’s senior trip, but first things first! Here are my three cats:
Bocca (the big tiger cat), Emma (the white cat – her real name is Enigma), and Macska (the long hair).

0 thoughts on “First things first (my three cats)

  1. Anonymous

    cute cat pics.

    missed you all tonight. was thinking about the grad thing off and on today. we do grad in the morning, so i was stuffing my face at various parties all afternoon. =) but i did send up the occasional well wishes to you all back home.

    tired. time to peace out.

  2. Celbanor

    cats, augh! You’re an even braver man than I thought. Nice pictures if the subject matter must be cats. Thanks for the Fools DVDs, fools has always been fun, and its good to have a reminder of it. Thanks for that. (the reminder and the actual experience)

  3. Anonymous

    i would grow grass if i had a yard. as it is, my balcony is much too full of plants. some of them are unable to get the sun they need because of it. if only my neighbors would let me plant things on their side  . . . oh well. beautiful day here. sunny and cloudless. spent a few hours by the pool and am now trying to write. am still recovering from being sick, but at least my voice is back and i am not exhausted every second of the day. all right. sat down to write. am procrastinating b/c i’m a little blocked. best get to it. –jrc

  4. Anonymous

    ok . . . again. i’ve posted 3 times here. for pete’s sake. talk about senior trip or grad or SOMETHING! 😉

    my not eating at grad parties is my neurosis coming out. usually people don’t notice. sometimes i feel like persephone–if i eat, i have to stay a long time. keep a drink in my hand, and i can be guzzling diet coke on my way out the door at any moment. =)

    have fun at the drop-ins, as you call them. i am glad you know so many fools, as that certainly makes for fun times.

    not much here. i am trying to get my room packed up, as they are moving me into a new place next year. i was not happy about it, but they gave me a better room than the one they originally planned to move me into, so i’m content. i also know who i’m sharing with, so it’s good b/c we can plan.

    ok. i miss you guys and am looking forward to july. =) ttyl. –j

  5. Ombudsman

    Are you sure you don’t want to add a well-behaved middle-aged full-blooded himalayan cat? He comes free with all the fixins!
    And when will we hear about senior trip?


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