Everyone, promenade!

Last Friday, CVCA had its annual Junior-Senior Banquet. It is the major CVCA social function in the spring, and you have to be invited by a junior or a senior to attend. Since Junior-Senior Banquet is a mouthful (and is hard to spell with chocolates), it is commonly referred to simply as “prom,” even though there is no dancing – it is a formal meal and some entertainment; no dancing.

Prom was nice this year because Meredith was a guest, and not in charge. She was more relaxed, so I got to enjoy her company more. Also, I thought I was going to have to schlep lots of equipment into the building like I did last year, but they had rented a sound system, so I only needed a DVD player, a projector, a computer, and a few cables. That was not that bad.

It is great fun to see the kids get all dressed up. They behaved very well, and seemed to be having a good time. The food was excellent, and I had a good time at the chaperon table chatting with some fun colleagues.

The entertainment part of the evening is traditionally the showing of the Senior Video, which is a collection of still shots with music, and a few videos, all of the senior class. It is really well done – Mr. Myers spends a LOT of time on this project every year, and you can tell. The only problem with the video this year was my fault – I turned up the sound too loud, so you could not hear the kids laughing at their pictures. That laughter adds much to the experience, but it was drowned out this year (the sound system was not easily accessible, so I could not turn it down once I discovered it was too loud).

After the video, a magician took the stage. Like all good audience members, I was sure I was going to see through his tricks. Out of the 12 or so tricks he did, I only figured out one (a watch that “magically” reset itself to a time suggested by an audience member almost assuredly had a pressure-sensitive spot on the band, since the magician held it by the band in one spot the whole time). It was very impressive.

Once the magician was done, the students cleared out to go to “After Party,” an event where they can change clothes and hang out at the Natatorium. They can eat, play games, etc. We swung by for about an hour. It looked fun, but we were tired, and did not have a good change of clothes.

7 thoughts on “Everyone, promenade!

  1. sonotmu

    Nice shade of green (or is it teal? πŸ˜‰ ) on Meredith! I do like your duds (naturally), especially the shirt collar (yes, specific, but still) although I’m still luke-warm on the gloves. I’m sure the students got to see a side of the computer nerd they weren’t expecting!


    You both look great!! The silver-grey and green compliment eachother very nicely.

    “…even though there is no dancing – it is a formal meal and some entertainment; no dancing.”

    I forgot to ask – what kind of music did they dance to? And how did the maneuver around all those tables?

    I still can’t dance. I skipped my prom (where dancing was required) to go to The Second City where I smoked a cigar with Chris Farley. I may have had a few regrets, but skipping my prom wasn’t one of them. I might have felt like I’d missed something, though, if our prom was anything like yours! I obviously love the dinner/socializing thang, seeing as it makes up about 1/3 of my current job.

  3. mriordan

    “I forgot to ask – what kind of music did they dance to? And how did the maneuver around all those tables?”

    *looks puzzled*

    There is no dancing at our “prom.” It is just the meal, the senior video, and the magician this time.

  4. sonotmu

    I skipped my prom too (mostly because there wasn’t a chance on earth that anyone was going to go with me)! Not to smoke cigars with Farley though. I don’t recall what I did on prom night. Probably hung out with Mu, who also didn’t go.


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