Cry Uncle!

for the many work-induced delays, but here at last is the post where I
get to rave about my perfect niece. A couple of weeks ago Mer and I got
go out to southern California to see our niece get baptized. It was
quite a wonderful weekend.

I *know* that she is related to me and so I am biased, but I think
Sammy is great. She is the least fussy baby I have ever seen. I think
in a little over 3 days I saw her fussing about a total of 10 minutes.
Of course, being ADORABLE, she had me wrapped around her very tiny
finger. If she fussed and we were alone, she immediately got picked up
and walked around the apartment while I introduced her to alternate
scales by humming random tunes.

and Dad are rightfully proud. Sammy was born about 10 weeks premature,
and so she has had some rough times. She has come through them well,
and she seems fine. I guess it takes some time for premature babies to
“catch up” to their real age, but with that taken into account, Sammy
is doing fine. She is VERY curious about what is going on, as you can
see from the picture with Mom and Dad.

I was very honored to be asked to be a godparent (along with Auntie
Jolene). My understanding is that, along with praying for Sammy and
being there for her, I am required by spiritual duty to buy her lots of
gifts as often as possible. It is quite a responsibility.

We did some other things in L.A. other than adore Sammy, but I’ll let
this entry be all about her (as is appropriate for my only niece). I’ll
leave you with a picture of my (obvious genius) niece mulling over the
various merits of her playmat toys. She clearly needs more…

0 thoughts on “Cry Uncle!

  1. Shurtugal21

    lol, godparents have the spiritual responsibility to buy their godchildren many gifts.  my godparents did that and they are very content with that fact.  i just hope they don’t give that some slack now that im gone

  2. Celbanor

    awww, no really, thats cool. btw the card game is called Magic: the gathering. its fairly fun. You may be interested in knowing one of the widgets I placed on my Macbook Pro is Spiderman. He doesn’t move, but he’s there for moral support. Spideys a very good listener.

  3. Anonymous

    adorable kid. will read the actual post later. have to get ready for a night out with friends.

    hey–wanted to know if i could get a copy of the moodle handbook you came up with. we’re using it here, but the guy is not as good as you at explaining it. it’s been awhile since i’ve used it and i would appreciate the memory boost.

    i wrote an email to this effect at the cvca account, but it bounced back to me as undeliverable. are you banning me???

    gotta run. wiped out, but have to take veges to the party and put in an hour or two before i can knock off for the night and weekend.


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