Cold Day

Mer and I got to CVCA this morning to find the parking lot empty and the building closed. I was able to let us in, and the building had power, heat, and water, so we could not figure out what was going on. I checked the CVCA website, and it appears you can have a “cold day.” About 600 schools in Ohio called off today, as it was -1 F at 7:00 with wind chills in the minus-20s. Who knew to check for a snow day on a day with no snow? Mer and I got much done at school today. The temperatures are not supposed to get much higher tomorrow, so I guess I’ll check the CVCA website tonight.

0 thoughts on “Cold Day

  1. sonotmu

    Day 3 in Palm Springs. 78 degrees in the sun. Am hiding in shade. Babbling fountains getting to me. Only sleeping about 10 hours a day. Shorts and t-shirt feel immodest. Swimming yesterday was only under duress. Must return to frigid Chicago soon or all is lost…


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