Brains and Brawn

Many apologies for not blogging of late. Mer and I have been in the midst of moving, which takes a surprising amount of time to do. Additionally, I did not have internet access at the new house until yesterday.

The moving process went smoothly. I took a load of stuff in my hatchback everyday that I went to work. That took care of most of the smaller stuff (but still took many loads!). A week ago Saturday (the 14th), we rented the CVCA box truck and moved all of the big furniture. Sonotmu and OrangeJoJo drove all the way from Chicago to help (which was kind of them). Sonotmu and I started moving heavier stuff early (about 7:00), and we kept moving stuff until about 3:30. We got everything up in two trips, and we had help from several CVCA folk, for which Mer and I are very grateful. OrangeJoJo, Mer, and a CVCA friend dusted everything before it came in to the new house.

After the move-fest was done, we headed up to Aladdin’s restaurant in Hudson, where Sonotmu and I had all three meals in one sitting. We were all dirty and nasty, so we sat outside. I was particularly resplendent in a “shirt” that was more holes than fabric.

So, we have been at the new house for a little over a week. We are still making frequent trips to the old house, which we listed for sale on Saturday. We still have some minor cleaning to finish up, and we still have one storage area and the garage to clean up. It should be done by the end of the week.

I love living within walking distance of CVCA. I have been able to run home to see Mer at lunch twice, and walking home from work instead of a 45-minute commute is really great.

Our staging area for moving things in the new house was the basement. We decided to put our library on the top level of the house, which is three small stairways away from the basement. Not a big deal, but it is surprising how far away the library is when you have to haul THIRTY boxes of books up the stairs. Mommas, don’t let your babies grow up to be English teachers….

Oh – I’ll continue the France travel narrative as soon as I unearth my notes.


0 thoughts on “Brains and Brawn

  1. sonotmu

    I bet Mer will reflect on the burdens of being an English teacher when she goes to put all the books away (I know she’ll be the one to do it – she, I’m willing to bet, like my wife, has a specific system. After we hit the book sale this Thursday, I have a feeling the system will be completely rearranged, as it is every time we have to get ANOTHER bookcase. Mommas don’t let your babies grow up to be interested in obscure history…).

  2. revtransit

    Too late for me, I’m already interested in obscure history.

    Since it took everyone involved in the move so long to blog about it, I thought about posting on it myself, making up everything as I went. I even downloaded some pics from the web that I though might be helpful. But in the end, I couldn’t think of anything worthwhile to save and, for once, that stopped me.

    Mu, I think you’ll find the short commute a gift that keeps on giving. I always try to organize my life so that I live within walking distance of work and I’ve found that very helpful to living a happy life.

  3. jolie_rouge

    not to be presumptuous or anything, but i kinda expect a fools-ish party sometime before i have to go back to school, and *then* you decide to have a party two days after I go back. wow, ummmmm….that isn’t as angry as I feel….

  4. sonotmu

    “that isn’t as angry as I feel….”

    Yesssss…give in to your hatred. Feel its power…

    “Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will”

    Bwa ha haaaaaaaa!

  5. revtransit

    Yeah, I learned in a work seminar that people who don’t like conflict often become passive aggressive and they’ll get back at you, sometimes even accidentally, by pulling the kind of thing Mu did here. So, Jolie Rouge, what did you do to my friend Mu?

  6. mriordan

    She ate my head – I mean, look at the avatar!

    Actually, Jolie Rouge is a valuable Founding Fool, so I’m going to have to try to have a reunion. If not this summer, then at Christmas so that the out-of-state Fools can come.


    I like to double my options and be openly hostile alternating with passive aggressive/sarcasm. Keeps people on their toes and outta my office at work. “Well I was terrified. Everyone was terrified of Jo. I’ve seen grown men pull their own heads off rather than see Jo. Even Dinsdale was frightened of Jo. She used…..Sarcasm. She knew all the tricks: dramatic irony, metaphor, bathos, puns, parody, litotes, and …..satire. She was vicious.”

    I totally stole that from Monty Python to prove that beyond the movies _The Holy Grail_ and _The Meaning of Life_ (as well as admittedly tiny bits of _Life of Brian_), I can quote entire episodes or their tellie series. Out-dork THAT!

    So, yeah! We went to the Newberry Library Book Sale yesterday. Looks like I’m going to have to cave and get YET ANOTHER bookcase. (The only book I was able to file from yesterday’s take was Wills’ biography of C.K. Chesterton, and that was only because the biography shelf still has a few open spaces under “A-C”.) After purchasing said bookcase, Sonotmu will be advised to take an afternoon off, maybe with the kitties and ferret, to someplace safe and far away from my rearranging all of the other 11 bookcases to allow for the 19 new purchases.

  8. jolie_rouge

    wow. so my comment generated quite a bit of…chatter. hmmm…i’m not sure who ‘mu’ is, is that you? that’s actually *my* head being munched on…

    i’ve actually moved before and know about the cornucopia of boxes of stuff you didn’t even know you had that need unpacking, and should have been a little more sympathetic before attacking you on the timing of your parties. apologies. it would still be nice to get down improv-style sometime this summer. (i don’t go back to school til september, if that helps)

    a deer is standing literally inches from my window as i type right now. cooooool. ooh! babies! living near the woods is so cool.

  9. mriordan

    I have a TON to post about, but on top of work and moving, Mer’s parents are in town, so I have had no time to blog. I hope that will change for the vastly better within a few weeks – once work gets back from fantic to normal, I should be able to blog pretty regularily again.

  10. Shurtugal21

    dear mr. riordan,
    when’re we having our fools get-together? the summer is almost over and i still need to get some free food again.
    the ihs (internal hunger service)


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