A March in the Snow

  We’ve had a bit of snow here in the last day or so – quite a bit. We had 8-9 inches this morning and it started up again around noon. I’d say we are around a foot, and it is still coming down.

It is pretty, so I decided that I had to go tromp around in the stuff. I headed out (with my trusty camera), and headed toward CVCA’s running trail so I could wander in the woods. On the way over, the air was very still, the way it can get after a snowfall. I could hear motors running and laughter coming from CVCA. So, I wandered over to the parking lot to see two coach buses unloading the CVCA choir. They had come back from their three-day New York tour where they had sung and seen a couple of Broadway musicals. They were getting to unload their stuff in the snowstorm, which required a couple of the guys to be in short-sleeved shirts and one guy in shorts. Ahhh, youth. I talked with a couple of teachers who chaperoned the trip, and they said things went very well. I saw that I was not going to be much use in the unloading process, so I wandered off to the woods.

  The woods were great. It was quiet and pretty. Not surprisingly, I was the first person to be in the trail this morning. Although there were no leaves on the trees, the wind was still blocked out, so it was not cold. I got to see some birds in the woods, and the stream was pretty (my favorite part).

When I got back home, I spent some time shoveling the driveway. At one point, I joined two neighbors in trying to push a car up the street, but we could not make it up the very slight incline at the end of the road, so the driver had to turn around. Since most people were able to drive okay (including me and Mer shortly after), I can only assume the tires were really bald.

I got back in the house and Mer and I talked about groceries. Mer likes to cook on the weekend, and we have some students coming over to the house tomorrow night, so we decided to risk going out. I wanted to drive (that is the control freak in me), and that way I could be there if the car got stuck. The roads were okay (once we got off our street, which had (and has) not been plowed yet). I told Mer that there is always a price for me to go to the grocery store; I picked up three impulse buys in the store, but the crowning moment was going to Handel’s Ice Cream. In a blizzard. In a parking lot with 10 inches of snow in it. The manager was there and had only opened because two families had ordered ice cream cakes earlier in the week and were coming to pick them up. She thought we were one of the families and seemed a little surprised that we wanted ice cream. She was very kind – she heated some hot fudge in a microwave just for me, and gave us $1.00 off because we were there in that weather. While we were there, both families picked up their cakes, and she closed the place. We managed to be there for the 15 minutes or so that she was open. Yum!

It is not all bad being snowed in – we aren’t going anywhere else because of the snow, and we can enjoy it being pretty without going out in it. Unless I feel the need to tromp in it again!

0 thoughts on “A March in the Snow

  1. sonotmu

    We dodged a bullet – we were expecting 6 inches or so of snow, but we didn’t get any accumulation. Can’t say it bothers me – I’m done with snow for the season (especially since I got my bike from the repair shop ($350…ouch) Friday).

  2. mriordan

    Glad you have such a cheap hobby! šŸ™‚
    It looks like we have had four more inches or so since this morning, and it’s still snowing. That puts us at 12 inches, with more coming. I think running the trails is at least a full month away, unless we have a really dry March from here on in.


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