Last Wednesday, Mer and I went back to join Dubbs to see The Return of the Jedi on Blu-Ray. Since we had seen Empire the week before, it seemed like a good chance to finish up the series. I made burritos and brownies again, and I picked up cookies and cream ice cream from Handel’s to go along with the brownies, and it was another fine movie evening.
Jedi was not so bad as I had remembered. The fight against Jabba the Hutt takes up over thirty minutes, and then the rest of the film moves along well. The Ewoks figured into the plot less than I had remembered, so that was good. Also, the film had fewer additions to the original film than Empire, and since they drive me (and most other old-school fans) crazy, it was good to see a mostly untouched film.
It was strange, but happy, to get Mer out of the house two Wednesdays in a row!