Thanksgiving was a pretty mellow family affair. It started out by having me and Meredith hosting brunch for Aunt Mary, for which I made egg burritos and chocolate chip muffins. After brunch, we played Trivial Pursuit, which, to my amazement, I won, beating Aunt Mary for the first time ever. Poor Meredith had all six pieces of pie while I still only had three, but she could not get to the center of the board and answer one last question to win, which allowed me to get back into the game and eventually win it on my very first try in the center of the board.
We went over to Dale and Carlene’s place at Cardinal Retirement Village for dinner in the late afternoon. The good staff of Cardinal put together a traditional meal, but getting just one generous plate of food kept me from overeating, which was a happy thing. The only thing missing was stuffing, which Mer loves, but the meal was otherwise excellent.
After dinner, Mer and I headed home, where we ate cookies and watched our DVD version of the TV show Lost. As I said, it was a mellow day.