Last Tuesday and Wednesday, CVCA had snow days. Tuesday was essentially an anticipatory snow day – there was bad weather coming in and no one was quite sure of when it would get here. As it turned out, we could have had school on Tuesday – there were no real weather issues around here until after 4:00. Wednesday was the real deal – there was enough ice around that I had trouble walking in to school.
When we have snow days, Mer gets to stay home, but staff is expected to go to work as long as they can safely do so. Since I can (and do) walk to work, it is hard to use the bad-weather excuse. So, I went in both days to do puttery things around the school. It was quiet, and I had access to any of the rooms that I needed to get in to. It was nice. Mer stayed home, but that does not mean that she was not working. She graded all day Tuesday and Wednesday. Happily, by the time I got home on Wednesday, she had run out of grading that she actually had with her here at the house, and she decided she could spend the evening with me.
So, we had a very rare together-during-the-school-year evening. I made dinner, and then we watched the animated movie Up, which we both like very much. Up is an interesting movie in that it makes you cry after just ten minutes, but then is a very uplifting and clever movie for the rest of the way. I highly recommend it. After dinner and our movie, we played the book-based game Dark and Stormy. Mer beat me eight books to three, so I immediately wanted to play again. For my troubles, I got beaten eight books to two. I still thought it was a great evening, and a little look at how life could be if Mer only worked fifty hours/week instead of sixty-plus. But, Mer is a great teacher, and I am proud of her, so I put up with the schedule.