So to Speak

Last Saturday was “my” day, and it was not too exciting during much of the day – we mostly took it easy around the house. That evening, though, I took Mer to see the movie The King’s Speech. We had first heard about The King’s Speech from a student who was on our J-term London trip. He had seen it just before coming to London, and he highly recommended it. I figured it was time, and that an artsy movie two months after it came out would let us have an uncrowded theater mostly to ourselves.

Boy, was I wrong about that – the theater was packed. Mer offered the theory that people wanted to see it before the Oscars next week, and that sounds right to me. I’d say the theater was over 75% full, for a 7:00 showing of a movie two months after it came out.

Anyway, the movie was excellent. It stars three actors whom I like very much – Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush, and Helena Bonham Carter. They were pretty fantastic. The movie is based on the historical settings around the time that George VI came to the throne, after his brother Edward abdicated. George VI had a stammer, which I had not known, and the movie follows his attempts to rid himself of the speech defect. It does not sound like much for a movie, but it was riveting. I highly recommend the film, and I would be very pleased if it won Best Picture and if Colin Firth won Best Actor.

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