When Sonotmu and I were growing up, there was a fantastic bakery in the next town. They made lots of things, but the two things we loved best were the classic Maine dessert, the whoopie pie, and another dessert that I have never seen anywhere outside of the Livermore Falls/Jay area – the marianne. The marianne is a small cake covered in very sweet cream and covered with sprinkles. Then, when we were about 10 or so, the bakery closed, and while the whoopie pie is
everywhere in Maine, the marianne sadly disappeared.
Until a few years ago! A local grocery store started making them again. O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! Then, suddenly, the last couple of times we were in Maine, the store did not have mariannes anymore.
I went on a whoopie pie run this morning to lay in supplies so that Sonotmu would not bug me about getting him whoopie pies. I went into the local grocery store, and they had mariannes again! I picked up six boxes (12 mariannes) – one box to eat and five to transport to Ohio (I did pick up whoopie pies as well). The plan is to get them to Ohio, and then see if I can get them to Indiana where my sister is going to be. Then, I can see if Sonotmu wants them badly enough to head them off before sis-der gets to them.
I could pack away a marianne right now. Or four.