It’s a Mystery – Saturday the 29th

Saturday the 29th was Mer’s day, and she had warned me that it was not an exciting day, at least during the day. We mostly ran errands that we both needed to do, but we did get to run them together, so that was companionable.

Mer did have a surprise in the evening that was much fun. We drove out to Twinsburg, to the library, where the library was open late to host a murder mystery. That would be interesting in itself, but it had a couple of CVCA students in the cast, and it was written by a CVCA student (one of Mer’s). There were also several CVCA students who showed up to see the play.

The play was called Sweet Sixteen, and it all took place at the birthday party of a girl who had just turned sixteen. There were about eight guests at the party (in addition to all of us, who were supposedly invited by a girl hooked on Twitter). After the murder, there were another couple of people who were the investigators. So in all, there were ten or so people in the cast, all teenagers.

The play was a very good effort, especially for a first play. It was also aimed at tweens and teens as the target audience, and I think it did that nicely. We were allowed to poke around the crime scene, and later to ask questions of the various suspects. The actors stayed in character quite well throughout the questioning, which is a good testament to their improvisational skills. In the end, we all voted on the various suspects, and we ended up with the correct suspect. It was a stimulating time, and fun to be with CVCA students outside of a school environment (albeit in a library).

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