On Sunday, CVCA had graduation at The Chapel in Green. Mer is required to go, and since she has to be there, I like to go as well. I like the pre-ceremony mingling with students, former students, and teachers very much. The actual ceremony has fine moments as well; four students gave speeches this year, and I knew three of the students pretty well, and the speeches they gave were excellent.
Graduation is always a little weird, for both me and Mer. We spend multiple years getting to know these students, and sometimes getting very close to them. Then, they move on and we cycle back to CVCA for another year. It is natural, but still disquieting.
After graduation, Mer and I had been invited to supper by a family who had five children go through Mer’s classes over the years, with this year being the graduation of the youngest. Normally, I would have loved to go, but I had a mild migraine going on, and I did not feel up to it. My friend Craig gave me a ride home, and Mer was still able to go with the family, where she had a nice time and some good food at Carrabba’s.