I check CNN.com every work day to check the tech and science sections.
Today, when I checked, there was a big yellow banner of “Breaking
News!” about a possible shooting at a school in Minnesota. I got
interrupted, and when I came back, there was a new “Breaking News!”
banner about Anna Nicole Smith “exchanging vows” with Howard Stern on a
boat. Their lawyer explained the vows were not legally binding.
1) And they say romance is dead.
2) What is wrong with the media, and by extension, our country? Since
when does “news” about two celebrities doing something trite and
meaningless trump a news story about a possible school shooting? I love
my country, but sometimes we are a bunch of idiots.
Perhaps you could come into true karmic balance by loving your country because we are a bunch of idiots…
which is why i vote for an underground to make the idiot gene exctinct. anarchy
Vote with your mouse, Mu. Avoid CNN.
By the way, you’re perilously close to controversy. Of course, complaints about the Mainstream Media (MSM) are so rampant, it’s sort of a known issue and therefore lacks a key element of controversy– surprise.
Anna Nicole. I felt sorry for her when her son died. Not so much now. Talk about someone whose life has spun out of their control and into the realm of idiocy.
Miss you guys. Will call in a couple weekends. Next weekend I am out of town.
I think your sci-fi stuff is not going to happen here. Cannot bring myself to put it into the DVD player. I keep willing myself to do it, but I’m just not there. Other things more compelling pull me from it.
Well, Mu, let me ask this: what is the purpose of the news? Why do you consider the shootings to be more newsworthy than entertainment news? One could argue that the shootings simply cause fear and anger while entertainment news is, well, entertaining. Another perspective could be that people would rather pay attention to news that isn’t violent and horrible and perhaps that is healthy?
Mind you, I don’t believe any of this.
But, seriously, what is the purpose, in your opinion, of hte news? How should it be presented and used?
My gripe is more with the consumers of news – that we, as Americans, care more about star non-weddings than more serious news. I do not blame the news for reporting what sells.
You’re both wrong. It’s the Republicans’ fault.
you’re just a dork. period. haha
i finally met a computer guy out here i like and think may be your close second.
but… but… but… it’s anna nicole smith! the all-powerful, all-talented entertainment guru! you’re supposed to be entranced by everything she does! we’re all supposed to be her minions!