Monthly Archives: September 2008

The Big Four-Oh

Last Saturday was the official shindig celebrating CVCA’s 40th year as a school. It was quite an event – there were about 400-500 people in the large gym, which had been gussied up for the occasion. The evening’s dining included some light appetizers, a wonderful served meal of chicken, shrimp (bleh), vegetables, and rice. The celebration was about “Our Legacy – Our Future,” where we looked back over the last 40 years through the eyes of several speeches, including one speech from one of the founders of the school. Several alums spoke as well, and the evening finished off with the president, Dr. Taylor, speaking to how CVCA is looking ahead to a bright future, with possible expansion of the physical plant, mentoring programs, and possible schools-within-the-school where you can get on a possible science track or fine arts track, and so on.

It was impressive to me to see how many people came to the event. The gym is not air conditioned, and it got quite warm in there. The evening was not designed in any way as a fund raiser, but it still cost a fair amount to get in. I got to see a bunch of people I knew – it is kind of neat to belong to a real community where you feel comfortable.

After the formal celebration, Aunt Mary, Mer and I headed off to the library where Mer’s decade (the 90s) was gathering. I did not really know anyone, but there were desserts, of which I had way too many. Craig showed up after awhile, and we talked too briefly – I got into a conversation about computers with a former CVCA parent, so I could not talk to Craig so much as I would have liked.

We wrapped the evening up around 10:00 or so and went home. BUT we are wild things, and Craig had let it slip that he was bachin’ it, so we got in the car and headed over to Craig’s house. He was quite surprised that we were not already pumpkins, and he let us in. What do three 30-somethings do on a childless Saturday night? Duh! We played trivia games! We played Outwageus, where you bet on if people will get a question right or wrong. Craig ended up winning, but Mer made a tremendous comeback from being broke to almost winning the game. After about two hours of playing, I had $17,000 (we played to $50,000), a solid third. No big surprise there. Mer and I did finally really get home about 1:00 am; it was a fun evening all around.